
Sunday, May 17, 2015

We have moved! Into town!

So sorry about all the lack of postings but, I got a job working at a Lumber Mill. We bought a house in town, sold all of our animals, except 6 chickens. So I guess this is the end of our country homesteading and the beginning of our urban homesteading. I do love that I work 5 minutes from my home and the kids can walk to the schools, I also love that instead of seven people living in a 900 sq.ft. mobile home that now we live in a two-story 2400 sq.ft. home. Its pretty nice. I do miss my milk cow, and my goats. Maybe one day we'll move back to the country but for now we are comfortable.
I am still going to garden, and keep chickens, can my produce, and try to only spend the $50 a week on groceries.
So look for my next post! Talk to you all soon. May God bless you!